Out of Africa was conceived in Dar-Es-Salaam, Tanzania where making clothes and traditional crafts such as beading and sewing are a staple to the culture. While visiting Dar-es-salaam after a few years of living abroad it is evident that a new style of artesian crafts was clearly sweeping the tourist market with a variety of very classy accessories becoming much more readily available. I was always enamored with fabrics and traditional fabrics in the region that were handmade. The personal dedication they showed to the raw material inspired me to want to create something of my own.
Creating these unique items quickly became much more than a hobbie. Before deciding on fabrics to purchase, I thought about how a design will be used and where it will be worn. I make the bag itself and it takes time and precision in crafting the bags to control the quality of the bag. This is completely opposed to an industrial approach, each bag is made by hand. All of our fabrics are 100% authentic fabrics made in East Africa.